Thursday, September 28, 2006

For what am I grateful?

I am grateful for my husband's love.
I am grateful for inspiring teachers who think I'm awesome.
I am grateful for my 5 senses, even though my sense of smell could be better (and will be!)
I am grateful for nature - trees, in particular. They're always reaching out and down to hug me.
I am grateful for not giving a shit what other's think more and more (yes, I'll do vocal trills while walking down the street and using my cork to loosen my jaw, if I wanna. I WILL and I DO.).
I am grateful for "coincidences" and being open to them, noticing them, using them.
I am grateful for my husband's love.
I am grateful for daily shelter, food, clothing and a steady paycheck.
I am grateful that someone cares about how I feel.
I am grateful that I can feel and make others feel emotions.
I am grateful for my wit.
I am grateful for remembering to be grateful.