Sunday, September 12, 2010

Full sentences are unnatural for a 21 month old

Well, maybe they're not unnatural, but they appear so!

I have a 34-inch human being walking beside me. It walks, runs, eats, poops and pees like adults, but it's 1/2 our size and speaks in helium with its underdeveloped vocal chords.

Going from "Mamma, UUUUP!" to "More carrots, please," freaks me the fart OUT. I've been enjoying documenting his physical and verbal growth but, since everything the experts write seems to be about "those first 3 years of development," I fear that the curtain is going to be coming down soon and the credits will be rolling on this dramedy well before I'd like it to. As soon as he hits 3 (and, if 3 were his Mommy's face, he WOULD hit it), will he be less entertaining? Will his developments be so underwhelming in comparison ("So he learned to tie his that to when he learned how to WALK. [YAWN] No great shakes.")

The way he conjugates amazes me. "They did that." Oh YEAH?! How'd you know to say it like THAT?! He is listening to and absorbing EVERYTHING!! I should be so attentive.

I hear other moms saying, "My child is 5, my new favorite age!" and the years bring on new surprises, greater/bigger/more impressive stories. I'll look forward to that and, in the meantime, live in the moment that is September 2010 and my baby boy (rather, toddler boy - when we ask him, "K, are you a baby or a toddler?" he replies, "Toddluh"...) - is communicating in greater sentences. I'll wallow in his many hugs and kisses and calls for me while they're here. I'll savor his puckered lips leaning towards my own and enjoy the fullness of his soft cheek squishing into mine. I will remember them. I am living them. Remember for always - for decades - for ever.


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